Leading writing experts Ruth Culham and Libby Jachles provide literature and lessons for narrative, informational, and opinion writing. Modes in Focus is designed to support educators and students with ready-to-use lessons, mentor texts, teaching tools, and more. Each grade level kit includes six mentor texts supported by its own teaching guide tailored to the needs, abilities, and interests of your students. Culham and Jachles take the next step in writing instruction by linking mentor texts to the modes of writing and providing model lessons that get students writing immediately and enthusiastically!
Grade 4 includes:
• Six Paperback Books: My Very Favorite Book In The Whole Wide World, Once Upon a Time, Felipe and Claudette, The Brain Is Kind of a Big Deal, Chicken Little: The Real and Totally True Tale, and What If You Had an Animal Tounge!?
• Book-specific Teaching Guides
• Getting Started Guide
• Teach Writing Well by Ruth Culham
• Three Posters
• Sticker Sheets
• Online Resources: Scoring Guides, Graphic Organizers, Videos, and more
• Crates and Hanging Folders to Organize Materials